Food Glorious Food! Late night at the gallery

Thursday 4 June, 6pm-9pm

Cake, tea and memory feast is approaching! 4th of June is going to be my first day in the real studio. I will convert the space for this occassion into a tea and cake parlour. I will be serving tea & cake best for your mood. Pop in for a cup of oolong tea if you are slightly sad, or for a brownie if you are an optimists. There will be plenty of green tea with lemongrass for melancholic types! Conversation is optional:) Full list of tea & cake will appear shortly.

Pop in to the gallery! Click here for directions.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Ania!
    I wish I could join you and drink tea with you but you know I am very far away.. However,I can collaborate with you remotely :-)
